Monday, November 8, 2010
Yes! I'm happy to report that I am now officially a MOB.
I've known the date since I began writing this blog, and let me tell you, it's been a piece of work for me to keep this secret! But I'm ready to tell all now.
On July 10th, Greg accompanied Clint and me to the ordination of a priest at our church. I thought it was great that he was interested to do that on a Saturday afternoon! And it was a long service, too. But when we left church on our way to meet the other kids for dinner, Greg pulled us aside. (Truthfully, I was a little impatient: I was hot from sitting in the sun at church and hungry for my dinner!) But I could tell this was something big, and he was clearly nervous. As we stood at the wrought iron table, he asked us for our permission and blessing to ask Devyn to marry him.
Of course, I said no.
But before long, I put aside my hunger and both Clint and I gave our blessing and congratulated him. On the way to dinner, he told us that he was SO nervous! How sweet!
Fast forward to November 5th (Guy Fawkes Day, for anyone who might find that interesting). We ALL knew that it was the Big Day. We did our best to act naturally, but it wasn't easy. The middle girls had a dance to attend, so that did help. Still, I was relieved when Devyn and Greg left for the movie theatre.
Once they were gone, we pulled out the delicious goodies we had picked up that day (incidentally, they came from the same caterer who will provide the food at the reception next June), champagne glasses and champagne. We put up balloons. . .and we waited.
First Greg's parents arrived. Then the girls came home early from their dance. And still we waited.
FINALLY we got the text that they were on the way home! We pulled up my sister and nephew on iChat so that they could be part of the occasion as well.
Meanwhile. . .Devyn and Greg had gone to see "Due Date" at the same movie house where they had had their first date, three years ago. The manager had arranged it so that the movie was played in the same theatre, too. Greg had stopped by earlier and dropped off his camera and a beautiful bouquet of roses.
They enjoyed the movie, and Greg told Devyn that they needed to stay for the credits, because there was something special at the end. And then he excused himself to use the rest room.
Moments later, he reappeared with the roses and the manager, who was holding the camera. He dropped to one knee there between the rows of seats and proposed!
Of course she said yes.
When they arrived home, we had a lovely celebration. For years, I've been praying for my children's future spouses, that God would send the right one for her or him. And we know that our prayers have been answered in Greg.
We are very blessed!
Now the planning continues--and as Dev announced jubilantly, "We get to go dress shopping!!!"
P.S. For more information on Dev and Greg and their wedding plans, see their website at
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Hey I know that guy!