Thursday, September 1, 2011

Memories of the Big Day

Can you believe it's almost three months since the wedding?  Wow.  Tempus fugit!

We have the wedding pictures now, and I have a few to put up here.  (If you're friends with me on Facebook, you can see the others.)  When we sit and look at the pictures, we remember all the best parts of that day.  And it's sweet.

In the long run, there are things I would have done differently.  Most of them are little decisions, little things I tried to foresee.  But the majority of the choices we made were good ones, and in the end, it was a wonderful, blessed day. 

One of the most surprising things I learned came from my other children.  I thought that we kept wedding planning pretty low-key.  We didn't obsess over anything; no one was throwing tantrums.  But to the other kids, apparently it felt as though the wedding took over our lives for a period of time. One of my daughters said that when she gets married, she only wants to take one month to plan her wedding. 

And I do understand.  No matter how careful you are to avoid wedding-mania, it tends to take on a life of its own.  I don't know whether it's because a wedding marks a major life event or that it raises huge expectations. . .but it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to make it all perfect.

After all, if the bride and groom end the day married, everything is perfect.

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